Harp Trio (1989)
For flute, viola, and harp
Duration: 20’
Movement Titles: Invention (6:54) | Melodía (4:53) | Minute Scherzo (0:58) | Chorale Passacaglia (4:58)
First Performance: 28 April 1988 / National Federation of Music Clubs Convention, Fort Worth, TX / Debussy Trio
Dedication: "Co-commissioned by the National Federation of Music Clubs and the Debussy Trio Foundation, 1989. Dedicated to Marcia Dickstein, Christopher Redfield and Angela Schmidt.”
Publisher: Peermusic Classical
Hagen with the Debussy Trio (l. to r.) Angela Schmidt, Chris Redfield, and Marcia Dickstein in Los Angeles, CA sometime during the 1980s. (p/c: Diana Steiner)
Program Note:
Harp Trio was composed in New York City during August 1988. Hagen was between apartments and composed it in the mornings in an empty lecture hall at New York University. A year later, in February 1989, he made a few minor revisions during a residency at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Hagen incorporated harpist Marcia Dickstein’s suggestions and finalized the score in November 1989, during a residency at the Camargo Foundation, in Cassis, France. Hagen modelled the first movement structurally on the first movement of the Bartók 2nd String Quartet. The second movement is a binary form. The third movement lasts exactly sixty seconds and is a musical palindrome. The finale is a set of variations over a passacaglia. A synthetic (octatonic) scale which is gradually “smoothed out” into a slightly more diatonic one generates the harmonic and melodic language. Two triads imbedded in the scale (F# minor and Eb major) serve as competing tonal centers. Hagen delivered the keynote address, entitled, "What I Learned from the Debussy Trio,” to the National Federation of Music Clubs convention in 1988, following the Debussy Trio’s premiere of the work.